On Friday the 10th, the pound sterling has known its most important fall in nearly four months. Investors got scared after the result of a poll for the «Independent» announcing Brexit would largely win with 55%, ten points ahead of Great-Britain remaining in the EU. Although it is but one more opinion poll, it nonetheless reveals the tendency only a fortnight away from the referendum. According to the Prime Minister, nobody knows what will be the result. The dispute among conservative party is thus becoming more and more vicious. Immigration is one of the main issues animating Vote Leave supporters. 

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Tensions over the South China Sea have topped discussions at the Asia Security Forum in Singapore. Pentagon sees China as the second biggest “existential threat” to the US after Russian Federation but is not averse to collaborate if it is in its economic interest. The political paradigm of the 21Th century has changed, traditionally we steal talking about security and political issues, but mostly it`s a political bluff. It is a real exception where states would like to enter into an open conflict, endangering its economic, political and security stability.

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Venezuelan political leaders of the opposition were attacked during a protest against the current president Nicolas Maduro. During the manifestation, they were demanding a referendum against the current president. The group of opposition deputies was trying to get into the election council headquarters in Caracas in order to demand the agency to accelerate the procedure of the authentication of the signatures of the voters. Pictures circulating around the globe show Julio Borges, a Congressman being injured by a man, that Borges identified as one of the government supporters.

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The annual, must-go regional security forum “The Shangri-La Dialogue” in Singapore attended by top defense ministers, scholars and business executives from across Asia. Interesting fact, that the forum is organized by International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) which is in its turn a pro-Anglo-American think tank. What is more it took place in the privileged aircraft carrier of imperial geostrategic interests in South East Asia: Singapore. Pentagon sees China as the second biggest “existential threat” to the US after Russian Federation.

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Saudi Arabia plans to implement an income tax on foreign residents.  Ibrahim al-Assaf, the finance minister of Saudi Arabia commented that “the cash-strapped kingdom seeks to raise non-oil revenues and cut spending to fund its $72bn plan to diversify the economy”. Riyadh (the capital of Saudi Arabia), seek for funds needed for wide-ranging reforms starting from fiscal and investment policy to education and housing initiatives. Saudi Arabia “is taking actions of tapping global bond markets and reprioritizing domestic spending”. Nowadays 1/3 of the residents are non-Saudis, implementing such taxes would bring a significant growth in Kingdom`s budget.

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On Wednesday 8 June, Pew Research Center published results of a survey held in 10 countries in the EU which confirmed the negative trend in Europe when it comes to declining trust in the EU. According to the research, merely 51% of the people have a favorable view of the EU, while a large 47% has an unfavorable view of the EU. Significant differences are seen between countries. The rising Eurosceptic sentiment takes place in Europe in the context of the refugee crisis, while still slowly recovering from its financial crises and just two weeks before the UK will have a referendum on leaving the EU, which could lead to a domino effect and further speculation on the disintegration of the EU if the UK would leave, as confirmed by an earlier report of VoteWatchEurope in April. 

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The leading party HDZ (Croatian Democratic Union) of the current coalition that is governing Croatia for 5 months now together with Most (Bridge of Independent Lists) announced it would hold a no-confidence vote soon against the Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic. Just a week before, the Prime Minister had called upon his Deputy Prime Ministers from HDZ - Tomislav Karamarko - and Most - Bozo Petrov - to resign. This move by the Prime Minister was prompted by the infighting between the two, as Most wanted Karamarko to resign because of corruption allegations of his wife. The largest opposition party SDP (Social Democrats) have stated they would support to no-confidence vote in order to have snap elections. Recent polls indicate SDP would win new elections, although it could lead once again to an unstable coalition, especially as an anti-system and anti-globalization party called ''Human Shield'' (Zivi Zid) might enter the Parliament as well.

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Local elections took place on 5 June 2016 in Italy, during which voters got to decide as well who would be their mayors in Rome and other big cities. In the first round, it turned out that the anti-establishment, populist and Eurosceptic M5S (Five Star Moment) made a strong appearance across the country, and especially in Italy's capital Rome where most of the election's focus has been, also because of a corruption scandal which led to the resignation of the former PD (Social Democrats) mayor. It means a surge in the support of the populist party, as the support for the governing PD (Social Democrats) has been declining nationally, which is being led by Matteo Renzi. It could imply bad news for the referendum on constitutional reforms to make Italy's political system more stable and that is to be hold later this year in autumn.

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Tensions over the South China Sea have topped discussions at the Asia Security Forum in Singapore. U.S adheres to the ambiguous position from one hand US defense chief Ash Carter has warned China over any provocative behavior, nevertheless on the other hand he proposed greater military cooperation. The Chinese international military cooperation director commented: "China would like to join the US safeguard regional security, but the US should first stop its arms sale to Taiwan and reduce highly frequent close-in reconnaissance against China."

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Beijing is eager to reciprocate the pivot to the East, by making Qatar a key partner in its "Belt and Road" initiative, which was promoted by Chinese Foreign Minister in Doha. The so called "Belt and Road" is infrastructure and trade networks put forward by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013. Qatar is close ally to U.S. like many other Arab States, at the same time Qatar retain a "Look East" approach to its foreign policy, due to global shift in economic prosperity from North America and Europe to the Far East. China is aimed to bring together China, Central Asia, Russia and Europe, by linking China with the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea through Central Asia and the Indian Ocean.

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