The annual, must-go regional security forum “The Shangri-La Dialogue” in Singapore attended by top defense ministers, scholars and business executives from across Asia. Interesting fact, that the forum is organized by International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) which is in its turn a pro-Anglo-American think tank. What is more it took place in the privileged aircraft carrier of imperial geostrategic interests in South East Asia: Singapore. Pentagon sees China as the second biggest “existential threat” to the US after Russian Federation.

United States as a rule revolves around the same themes, they are annoyed by the fact that there are countries which able to be a counterweight to United States in a contemporary world.  Pentagon states “US military might and superiority is bound to last forever;”, “we are the main underwriter of Asian security” for, well, forever; and China better behave in the South China Sea – or else.  
According to Carter, if Beijing reclaims land in the Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea, “it will result in actions being taken by the both United States and … by others in the region.”

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