Local elections took place on 5 June 2016 in Italy, during which voters got to decide as well who would be their mayors in Rome and other big cities. In the first round, it turned out that the anti-establishment, populist and Eurosceptic M5S (Five Star Moment) made a strong appearance across the country, and especially in Italy's capital Rome where most of the election's focus has been, also because of a corruption scandal which led to the resignation of the former PD (Social Democrats) mayor. It means a surge in the support of the populist party, as the support for the governing PD (Social Democrats) has been declining nationally, which is being led by Matteo Renzi. It could imply bad news for the referendum on constitutional reforms to make Italy's political system more stable and that is to be hold later this year in autumn.
In Rome, The M5S candidate Virginia Raggi got over 36% of the vote, and seems likely to win the second round on 19 June 2016, while the PD candidate Roberto Giachetti party of Mateo came in second with 25% of the vote. The PD made stronger showings in Turin , Naples and Bologna with its candidates winning 42%, 42% and 40% of the votes respectively but performed worse then expected and will face run-offs as well against M5S and right-wing candidates.
The constitutional referendum in Italy will take place no later then October 2016. People will get to vote on curbing the powers of the Senate, as right now both the Senate and the Parliament have almost equal powers, which means governing coalitions will need a majority in both chmabers and undermines political stability. The reform would make the Senate a less stronger Senate of the Regions. Matteo Renzi has tied his political survival to the referendum and stated he would resign if the referendum would be voted down.
The reform of the Senate is is part of a bigger package of electoral reform. One reform has already been approved in 2015 which makes it possible to have a second round during Parliamentary Elections, the winner of which will be given an automatic majority in Parliament. Current polls suggest that the PD and M5S would be in a tight run-off if Parliamentary Elections that are now planned for 2017 would be held earlier.
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