According to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has apologised over the downing of a Russian jet last year. “President Putin has received a letter from Turkish President Erdogan where the Turkish leader expresses interest in resolving the situation around the downing of a Russian bomber jet,” Peskov said. Last November, Turkish jets shot down a Russian bomber that Ankara said had crossed over from Syria, although Russia denied its plane had entered Turkish airspace. One of the crew member was killed by ground fire after parachuting out, and a Russian marine was killed in the rescue mission.
Read MoreAt 7 am, Spaniards went to the polls to cast their vote in the in repeated Parliamentary elections. The results can be expected around 9 pm. Voters can choose between several political parties, as the historical elections of last year led to the breakthrough of two new political forces: Unidos Podemos (formerly Podemos) and the Ciudadanos (Citizens), which have challenged the former monopoly of the People's Party (PP) and the Socialists (PSOE). The conservative People's Party (PP) is tipped to win, but again to fall short of a parliamentary majority. This time, however, the next position is expected to be taken by the radical left-wing Unidos Podemos alliance, which made an alliance with Alberto Garzón's United Left (IU).
Read MoreOn Thursday, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto vetoed a package of anti-corruption laws which includes a provision that that would have required elected politicians and other public officials to reveal their assets, taxes and potential conflicts of interest. The president's legal advisor Humberto Castillejos argued that "The presentation of the declarations of millions and millions of Mexicans, who earn their living honestly would in no way help combat corruption". However, he made no comment on the part of the package which includes the creation of an independent anti-corruption prosecutor and increasing fines and jail time for public officials convicted of bribery, illegal enrichment etc. The president plans to ask Congress for an extraordinary session to discuss changes to the bill.
Read MoreOn 23 June, Norway became the first European country to ratify The Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement is a document based on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It was negotiated by representatives of 195 countries and finally adopted on 12 December 2015. On 22 April 2016, it was opened for ratification. It enters into force when 55 members ratify it and will replace the current Kyoto Protocol.
Read MoreOn July 21st the United Nations Security Council started the first round of secret “straw pool”. It is the process of voting to choose the next secretary-general who will take over the position after Ban Ki-moon. The second five-years Ban Ki-moon`s term ends on the 31st of December. Behind the scenes, is said that perhaps for the first time the head of the UN will be a woman. Decision is expected to be resolved in October by the 15-member of Security Council. They have to present one nominee to the General Assembly. However the decision will come down to the permanent members - Great Britain, France, China, Russia and the United States. Thanks to the new selection modes, all Member States have the opportunity to ask a question to the candidates.
Read MoreOn Tuesday 21 June, ambassadors of EU member states made a preliminary decision to extend economic sanctions against Russia for another 6 months until the end of January 2017. The decision has to be approved by the national ministers of foreign affairs in the Council. One of the diplomats said that "It does not seem to require a discussion on this topic at the European Council next week." Therefore, it is expected the approval decision will be taken unanimously next Friday, at a meeting in Luxembourg.
Read More20 June is The World Wi-Fi Day is celebrated for the first time in 2016. Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA) ordered an independent analysis in terms of how many people in the world, who lives in the cities, are connected with a broadband connection, to celebrate The World Wi-Fi Day on June 20, 2016. The data of such analysis could be shocking as it is difficult to imagine that more than half of the world, living in the cities has no broadband connection. Read more ()>> The results of the conducted analysis are really shocking.Population with broadband connection by regions:
Read MoreMembership Action Plan will not be open for Bosnia and Herzegovina during NATO Warsaw Summit. The Organisation has stated that conditions set during Summit in Tallin in 2010 were not fulfilled. NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs at the same time invited Bosnia for joining to this advisory, assistance and practical help programme for those states who would like to become a member of NATO. Although activation of MAP was set under the condition of registration of military property. At first, those properties were supposed to become state-owned property. Today this process is at the dead point because only 21 of 63 properties were registered.
Read MoreCroatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović and Prime Minister-designate of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić signed in Subotica a declaration about enhancing Serbian-Croatian relations. The aim of the declaration is to protect minorities, delimit borders and help by existing problems. Politicians have met firstly on a bridge between Serbia and Croatia nearby Dalj, Croatia and then moved into Serbian Subotica in order to sign the agreement. Nevertheless, it was signed in the context of harsh internal situation. In Serbia new government has not been yet formed, and recently in Croatia there has been a fall of government.
Read MoreFrom the American foreign policy point of view, China is concerned as a Russian combat confederate who tries to push the Asian states out of the influence of The People's Republic of China, and Russian Federation consequently. The USA managed to affect Russia not to dominate the Asian states. Such relationship ties create a complicated situation, what is more, the tensions among all nations mentioned above to push Bangladesh out of China. It is worth to mention that such split of interests could be explained by divided these states into two alliances.
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