On Friday the 10th, the pound sterling has known its most important fall in nearly four months. Investors got scared after the result of a poll for the «Independent» announcing Brexit would largely win with 55%, ten points ahead of Great-Britain remaining in the EU. Although it is but one more opinion poll, it nonetheless reveals the tendency only a fortnight away from the referendum. According to the Prime Minister, nobody knows what will be the result. The dispute among conservative party is thus becoming more and more vicious. Immigration is one of the main issues animating Vote Leave supporters. 

Recently Cameron tried to emphasize more clearly the economic risks of Brexit. In his opinion, leaving the EU "would lead to a self-inflicted recession" and it could cause an immense gap in the public finances: the government might not be able to secure pensions anymore. In any case, this open war is putting the future cohesion of the party at risk, no matter the outcome of the vote. In the eyes of many, Cameron has indeed become toxic for the party after a very negative and nasty campaign.

For an overview of the EU referendum, click here

The discussion on Brexit shows really serious problem – the division not only within the Tory party but also among British society. The upcoming referendum will let us see, which part of their identity is stronger – European one, connected to globalisation and liberal lifestyle, or conservative British one.

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