Influence of foreign, authoritarian regimes is increasingly a hot topic in EU. V4 is no different from the rest of the EU in this regard. However, most of the attention was so far focused on Russia. With few exceptions, China and its influence has been so far largely ignored in the V4, despite the fact that analysts around the world predict that China is on a path to become the most powerful country in the world. With this project, we aim at mapping the ideas and perceptions the V4 political elites have about China, how they are formed (by what factors), and whether they perceive China as a threat or an opportunity.

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Program powstał we współpracy z wiedeńskim Innovation in Politics Institute. Instytut rozpoczął swoją działalność w 2016 roku. Jego misją jest poprawa polityki europejskiej poprzez uznanie i wspieranie polityków w Europie, którzy mają odwagę, aby odkrywać nowe obszary, są twórczy i osiągają wyniki - niezależnie od tego z jaką partią polityczną są związani i na jakim szczeblu działają. Instytut ma swe przedstawicielstwa w 10 krajach Europy (Austria, Bułgaria, Francja, Irlandia, Niemcy, Polska, Szwajcaria, Szwecja, Wielka Brytania, Włochy). Przyznaje doroczne nagrody (Innovation in Politics Awards) za działania, które nie tylko podnoszą jakość życia Europejczyków, ale również łączą i inspirują. W 2017 w ośmiu kategoriach: cywilizacja, demokracja, praca, dobrobyt, jakość życia, prawa człowieka, społeczność i ekologia zostało nominowanych 589 projektów politycznych z całej Europy, 80 projektów znalazło się w finale.

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The project is organized by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s office for Spain and Portugal. Policy makers and representatives from think tanks and media enjoy the opportunity for reflection and exchange of analysis about relevant issues of European and international affairs offside the day-to-day-routine. The European Roundtable offers a different perspective to single issues and contributes to comprehensive debate and decision making. roup of members from national parliaments among the participants.

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A new study "Comparing the Czech-Polish approach to China: Assessing both challenges and opportunities from a security-minded perspective“ prepared in cooperation with our Czech partners from Prague Security Studies Institute describes similarities and differences between the two countries' approaches to China. It seeks to shed light on the development of Sino‑Czech and Sino‑Polish relations, focusing on the economic point of view. Given the increased debate on China, our efforts also highlight key points and challenges that are associated with such a partnership.

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Centre for International relations, together with partners from six countries from the European Union and Western Balkans – Centre for Democratic Transition from Montenegro (project’s leader), Central European Heritage from Hungary, European Projects Association from Belgium, FALIŠ from Croatia, HMM…from Serbia and Opera Nomadi from Italy – initiated a public debate in memory of 1917 and its reflections on a current situation and countries.

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Once again, CIR together with the Aspen Institute Prague will carry out a common project, in the frame of the annual contest of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Polish-Czech Forum. Its aim is to support current and new common initiatives within the civil societies of both countries. The Forum continues the tradition of cooperation between independent dissident groups in non-democratic times before the changeover of 1989, which culminated in the activities of the Polish-Czech-Slovak Solidarity movement. Today, the Foreign Ministries of the two countries strive to stimulate further development and deepening of bilateral relations through the support of common projects of non-governmental organizations, municipalities and counties, schools, research institutions and other actors.

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Together with partners from the Czech Republic: Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI), Hungary: Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy (CEID), and Slovakia: Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA) we are conducting an in-depth country monitoring and examining the variety of influence measures being leveraged by Russia, focusing on three areas: economic and financial tools, including asset purchases and acquisitions by Kremlin affiliated businesses, that foster trade and energy dependencies; political and cultural tools, including the activities of Russian Centres of Science and Culture, as well as financial support for local NGOs, political parties, and other pro-Kremlin groups; and disinformation tools, including support for illiberal outlets and coordinated online trolling activities, but analysed within the broader context of other influence activities.

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The TRANSFAM project, funded by Norway Grants, is focused on studying transnational migrations and "creating families" by Poles in Norway. CIR and its partners from the Polish-Norwegian consortium (Jagiellonian University, Agder Research, Nova) have started the project in July 2013 and it will last till June 2016. CIR has a leading role in two Work Packages of the project: WP1 (completed), which is focused on an overview of issues related to the post-accession emigration from Poland with a special attention dedicated to Norway. The second Work Package - WP6, which started in February 2015, will analyse settlement choices of newly arriving Polish migrants to Norway.

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Since 2009, German Bulletin is a monthly issued digital periodic, prepared by Centre for International Relations together with Polish-German Cooperation Foundation. On its pages , you can find regular analyses regarding current political, economic, social and cultural situation in Germany, together with a schedule of the newest events on the German political scene and a selection of the most interesting current statistics regarding socio-economic life in Germany.

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This project is co-executed with THINKTANK – Centre for Dialogue and Analysis. Its aim is to improve Polish executives’ knowledge about foreign markets, with special consideration for Africa, Asia and South America. Within this project, THINKTANK and CSM’s experts participate in economic missions, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Economy, the Chancellery of the Prime Minister and the Chancellery of the President. The Centres also prepare publications dedicated to selected non-European countries (dossiers, analyses, expeditions, comments, policy papers) and conduct a ‘NETWORK OF IDEAS’ with all those information available to managers and leaders of Polish companies and institutions.

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This project is implemented as a continuation of India EU Council Association’s activities, which was merged with Centre for International Relations at the end of 2013. The aim of the project is to improve the awareness about Indian subcontinent in Poland and other Middle and Eastern European countries. The project focusses on cooperation in the fields of politics, education, and entrepreneurship. The India News and Feature Alliance Agency from New Delhi is CIR’s Indian partner.

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The Polish-German Energy Forum was initiated by the Centre for International Relations and is executed in cooperation with the German partner Pflüger Internationale Beratung GmbH. Professor Friedbert Pflüger, former Secretary of State in the first government of Chancellor Angela Merkel, Member of the Bundestag 1990-2006 and lecturer at King's College in London, specializes in the subject of energy and climate policy. The Forum is an initiative of the business world with the participation of important political personalities and experts. Our goal is to provide a platform for discussion about how to deal with the challenges faced by the two countries - ensuring energy security, European climate policy, and the need to develop energy infrastructure.

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The EU-Russia Civil Society Forum is a permanent common platform for cooperation and coordination of civil society organisations from Russia and the European Union, aiming at strengthening links between societies in the field of rule of law, human rights and democracy building. Centre for International Relations is a member of the Forum's working group "Social issues and civic participation".

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The department was created in 2013 as a part of the Janusz Korczak Pedagogical University in Warsaw and is carried out by the University, together with the Centre for International Relations, THINKTANK and UN Global Compact. The department was inaugurated by prof. Yunus during his visit in Poland. It aims to popularise the idea of the social entrepreneurship as a modern socioeconomic tool contributing to the reduction of unemployment and increasing the development of the human capital both in Western and developing countries. The representatives of the department, such as dr Małgorzata Bonikowska, president of the CIR, participate in international meetings organised by the Yunus Centre.

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