"Od kilku lat trwa wzmożona ekspansja zagraniczna polskich firm, czego rezultaty widać w bilansie handlu zagranicznego. Warto się jednak zastanowić, czy tego trendu państwo nie powinno wesprzeć inaczej i mocniej niż do tej pory" - piszą dr Małgorzata Bonikowska, Paweł Rabiej, Andrzej Turkowski i Kazimierz Żurek na łamach 19-stego numeru Magazynu THINKTANK.
Read MoreEnergy is an important and strategic sector of economy, therefore it is crucial to include a wide spectrum of socio-economic, geo-political and financial conditions of all the EU member states while establishing the long-run directions of its development – said Deputy Prime Minister of Poland and the Minister of Economy – Janusz Piechociński, during the Polish-German Energy Forum, which was held on January 17, 2014 in Berlin, Germany.
Read MoreCentre for International Relations, supported by Robert Bosch’s foundation, organised first Polish-German Energy Forum in Berlin, Germany. In the “round table” discussion, which was chaired by Janusz Reiter and Friedbert Pflueger, participated Sigmar Gabriel and Janusz Piechociński.