We wish to highly recommend the recent report by Dr. Dieter Dettke, “Hungary’s Jobbik Party the Challenge of European Ethno-Nationalism and the future of the European Project”. The report was prepared for the Center for International Relations and in cooperation with the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington DC. The author warns, on the example of Jobbik party, against very dangerous consequences both for political and social systems, which can be triggered by the rising ethno-nationalism in face of economic crisis.
Read MoreOn 27-28 November 2014 the second edition of the POLANDAFRICA Congress took place in in Łódź, attended by the highest representatives of the Polish and African governments. In regard to this event, CIR and THINKTANK prepared a Lexicon of African Countries in English. The publication is a unique, in-depth analysis on the political and economic situation in each country as well as its investment opportunities. The profile of each of the 54 countries also includes information on its history, social issues, relations with Poland and many other interesting data enriched with quotes. The Lexicon also includes a knowledge base on the Polish diplomatic missions in Africa and representatives of African countries accredited in Poland.
Read MorePresident Viktor Janukowycz initiated serious negotiations, which aim to resolve conflicts, increased after almost three-month long, violent protests of Ukrainian society, as a result of hard living conditions and crimes committed by the governmental forces against the protesters in Kiev.
Read MoreCentre for International Relations celebrates 17 years of its existence. The birthday celebration was also a perfect opportunity for CSM to present its new face. Dr. Małgorzta Bonikowska became the head of CSM, ambassador Janusz Reiter is a chairman of the Foundation Board, Paweł Rabiej and Rafał Bauer are Foundation Board’s Members..
Read MoreZ końcem obowiązywania ostatnich ograniczeń swobody przemieszczania się na terenie UE dla obywateli Bułgarii i Rumunii u progu roku 2014 na nowo rozgorzała wśród niemieckiej opinii publicznej debata dotycząca podejścia do kwestii imigracji w Niemczech - pisze Wolfgang Jockusch w najnowszym numerze Biuletynu Niemieckiego "Niemiecka WILLKOMMENSKULTUR, Refleksje Nad Debatą Migracyjną".
Read More"With the end of the lastest restrictions on freedom of movement within the EU for citizens of Bulgaria and Romania at the beginning of 2014, a newly flared debate has begun among the German public opinion on the approach to the issue of immigration in Germany" - writes Wolfgang Jockusch in the latest issue of the German Bulletin - "German WILLKOMMENSKULTUR, Reflections on the Migration Debate".
Read MorePoland – India Economic Forum inaugurated the 60th anniversary of Diplomatic and Trade Relation between Poland and India. In the course of the conference, entrepreneurs were acquainted with their companies’ chances and possibilities on the Indian market. The inaugural speeches were made by: Jerzy Pietrewicz – the Secretary of State in the Ministry of Economy of Poland, Katarzyna Kacperczyk - the Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland, and Monika Kapil Mohta - the Ambassador of India in Poland.
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