On Thursday, July 28, a Cairo court has sentenced Hisham Geneina, the former chief of the Central Auditing Authority (CAA), to a year in jail and a fine of 20,000 Egyptian pounds (EGP) for 'disseminating false news that was harmful to state institutions and threatened public peace.' The charges were based on remarks Geneina made in an interview with Youm7 daily newspaper in December 2015. In it, he estimated that corruption had cost the budget over 600 billion EGP (around $72 billion at the official exchange rate) between 2012 and 2015. Geneina will appeal the verdict and remain free on bail of 10,000 EGP.

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The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, made a decision on July 28 to incorporate the Crimean Federal District into the Southern Federal District. According to the press services of the Kremlin, the main purpose of this action was to “increase the efficiently of federal bodies of the authorities”. In response to Russia’s decision, the Ukrainian delegation to the UN Security Council presented a proposal of a statement expressing deep concern over this situation. The statement was also to refer to Resolution 68/262 of the General Assembly of the United Nations of 27 March 2014 on “the territorial integrity of Ukraine”. However, the Russian delegation opposed and blocked the draft statement.

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On Thursday, July 28, gen. John Nicholson, the commander of US and NATO forces in Afghanistan, has announced an increase in US involvement in an offensive against ISIS in the east of the country. Additional special forces units have been dispatched to the area and are directly involved in fighting, while the US Air Force is providing air support for Afghan forces. The additional forces are not counted as part of the permanent US contingent. According to Nicholson, military operations have thinned ISIS ranks from 3,000 to 1,500 and forced the remainder to retreat into the mountains in the south of Nangarhar province. The current phase of fighting has begun in the middle of July and is a prelude to a planned large-scale ground offensive in the province.

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On Tuesday, Chile’s President Michelle Bachelet proposed changes to the most radical of all the economic reforms of former dictator Augusto Pinochet – the private pension system which induced protests in the region with one, on Sunday, reaching over 150 000 people in Santiago, according to organizers. The protesters argue that Chile’s six private pension funds, which manage US$160 billion in assets, do not guarantee a dignified old-age and only perpetuate inequality.

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After the servers of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) were hacked and Wikileaks published emails of several American politicians, Donald Trump appealed to Russian hackers to find 33,000 emails of Hilary Clinton. Trump’s speech referred to last year’s email affair when Clinton transferred the contents of her mailbox to the state archive with a long delay. During her tenure as the Secretary of State, Clinton used her private email server instead of the government server, in breach of the regulations on state secrets. Opponents accuse her of deleting potentially damning emails, while Clinton claims that these were her private emails.

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Due to the old airway system, Iran is one of the countries with most fatal airline accident since 1979. One of the nuclear deal’s fruits for Iran was signing the agreement with two major Aircraft companies, Airbus and the Boing. The first deal has signed with the French company, Airbus, during President Ruhanis visit to France. The value of the agreement was around $25bn and Airbus sold 118 of its recent models to Iran. After Airbus, its American competitor, Boeing started to open negotiations with Iranian officials. By receiving the green light from the White House, Boing has signed a $27bn deal with Iran, to sell 100 aircraft.

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Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi criticized the joint trilateral statement by the US, Japan and Australia concerning the South China Sea. Earlier the US, Australia, and Japan expressed concern about territorial disputes in the South China Sea. Before that, the foreign ministers of the countries of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) took traditional annual joint communiqué in which the South China Sea has been dedicated to only a small section. According to the Chinese Foreign Ministry, the meeting with the participation of the Foreign Ministers of the ASEAN countries and China was "very friendly and harmonious", which resulted in a joint statement containing the consensus of the parties to respect regional order.

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The Estonian Prime Minister Taavi Roivas stated on July 27 that Estonia will assume the EU presidency earlier, having regard to the Brexit effect. Estonia's presidency will last from mid-2017 until 2018 . Mr Roivas specified that "Estonia will assume the presidency at a time when the EU is faced with making fundamental choices regarding its future. We shall manage the organising of the EU presidency half a year early just fine and we will not make any concessions on quality".

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US co-chair of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Minsk Group, James Warlick, claimed that Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents have agreed on the extension of the OSCE monitoring group on the contact line of troops and the Azerbaijani-Armenian border.
 “It is planned to continue extensive negotiations to resolve the conflict with the involvement of senior officials from each side. Progress in the diplomatic direction is required to reduce tensions between the parties,” APA cited him as saying. James Warlick also pointed out that the OSCE MG co-chairs are actively working on the implementation of the arrangements made by presidents of conflicted sides during meetings in Vienna and St. Petersburg.

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Today meeting of Fiji’s Minister of Foreign Affairs - Ratu Inoke Kubuabola and Israel’s Ambassador - Shmuel Ben-Schmuel was organised. It took place in Suva - the capital of Fiji. The representatives of Islands started the meeting by thanks for a help in reducing damages after cyclone on Fiji. The international aid was organised by non-governmental organization IsraAID. Israel’s Ambassador participated in the summit of the Pacific Islands Development Forum. Ambassador Ben-Schmuel thanked Fiji’s government for initiatives connected with helping maintain peace in the Middle East, especially in Golan Heights and Lebanon, where constantly growing instability in the region.

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