Military transport aircraft of Indian Air Force with 29 militaries on board disappeared from radar over the Bay of Bengal on Friday, 22 July. AN-32 plane of the Russian manufacture was flying to the capital of the Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands - Port Blair, from the Indian city of Chennai. It is reported that on board the plane was service personnel, which was heading to India's strategic military base near the Strait of Malacca. Indian Navy are looking for the missing airliner by a rescue aircraft and ships. Two military planes and four naval ships are deployed in the Bay of Bengal. According to the media, the reason for the disappearance of the machine from the radar could be bad weather.

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Syrian Defense Forces give 48 hours for the ISIS fighters to leave the territory of Manbij city. Statement of the Manbij Military Council said that ISIS fighters can leave the city with the light weapons and without fighting. According to SDF, this initiative is the last chance for the Daesh members to leave the town. SDF besieged Manbij and launch an offensive to liberate the city center, which is under the control of ISIS. SDF are the US-backed militant group in Northern-Eastern Syria, which is fighting with the ISIS. SDF is an attractive place for different volunteers and fighters from the rest of the world. SDF receive help on the battlefield from the US-led Coalition air forces.

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Economic activity in the Eurozone fell in July. These changes are imperceptible and in some cause is the signal that the bad effects of Brexit have yet to take hold in continental Europe. The eurozone economy is proving resilient to the fallout from Britain’s decision to leave the EU. New data suggested on this Friday, even as signs of a downturn intensified in the UK. Data monitoring company Markit did not allege Britain’s vote to leave the EU as the specific cause of the downturn. In this situation France and Germany showed surprising resilience.

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History of Midlle East peace talks beetwen Israel and Palestina is full of difficult decisions, misunderstandings and empty promises. There is a poor hope that current prolonged impasse will be overcome in the near future. Unstable situation provokes neighboring countries to take some actions. One of them is president of Egypt Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. He has just announced that his country would start pushing forward peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians.

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Peter Thompson is going to be The President of 71st session of the UN General Assembly. He revaled with diplomat of Cyprus, Ambassador Andreas Mayroyiannis. He had four votes more than representative from Cyprus and took over the presidency from Ambassodor Mogens Lykketoft of Denmark who will complete his term on 31 August this year. It is said that he won by organising many strategic campaigns involving all of Fiji’s foreign missions.  71st session will be connected to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and progress on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. By winning this election, Thompson will have influence on UN’s actions. Thanks to that the organisation can solve problems which are common in Fiji and other countries.  
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Ted Cruz sensationally withheld an endorsement of Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention Wednesday, earning a chorus of boos from the floor before he was upstaged in a power play by the GOP nominee himself. "I congratulate Donald Trump on winning the nomination last night," Cruz said. "And like each of you, I want to see the principles that our party believes prevail in November." He was more focus to encourage people to "Stand and speak and vote your conscience.” , but not officially endorsed the nominee Donald J. Trump. Apparently crowd and delegates began to boo and some chanted "We want Trump!" The reaction from other delegates and nominees was absolutely negative; despite Gingrich trying to rephrase his words into Trump is the only one who upholds the Constitution

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Guillaume Long, Ecuador’s foreign minister, will travel to the Vatican on Thursday to propose a global end to tax havens. He issued as statement saying that “We need an ethical economy, an economy that puts people first. Tax havens are the opposite of an ethical economy. These concentrate wealth in the hands of few and undermine development. We have therefore launched the Ethics Pact in Ecuador and we hope to advance a global debate on how we can eradicate this immoral practice”.

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Turkish government with the president Recep Tayyip Erdogan decided to declare the state of emergency, due to the turmoil, which took place on Friday. Turkish authorities claim that it is the best solution to the problem and only by the state of emergency Ankara can deal with the terroristic menace. The state of emergency in Turkey will lead to the ban of a massive gathering of people, blocking the movements on the streets, possibilities of rummage of vehicles and citizens. The publications of magazines, books and newspapers, TV programs and radio can be suspended.

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According to the protocols signed on June 3, 2016, between Azerbaijan and Turkey governments, Azerbaijan agreed to provide the Turkish Armed Forces with building and structures in its territories. One of the biggest local news agencies – APA reports on the issue that, Azerbaijan president Ilham Aliyev, signed a decree on approval of the protocols which provides Turkish Armed Forces with it in the military town of “GizilSharg” (Gyzyl Sherg) and a building at a military airfield in the district of Zeynalabdin Tagiyev. The APA reports that the president of Azerbaijan instructed the Ministry of Defense to implement the protocol. The news was highlighted and published as Azerbaijan gives a military base to Turkey in its lands in social media.

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Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca, in order to get into the Chilean border city of Arica that serves as a free “port” for Bolivia, he had to wait for more than six hours. The minister travelled to Bolivia on Monday to verify allegations of abuse and discrimination against Bolivian truckers. Chilean authorities said they have not been informed of the visit and therefore did not allow them free access. If this is the treatment given to Bolivian government representatives, then Bolivian truckers must be facing far worse, Choquehuanca said.

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