At midnight a new truce in the Donbas came into force. It includes a ceasefire between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian separatists. It has to apply for the next week. The agreement was announced in Kiev during a meeting of foreign ministers: Polish Witold Waszczykowski, German Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the French Jean Marc Ayrault and the UK Boris Johnson. Ukrainian side was represented by the head of the Ukrainian diplomacy Pavlo Klimkin. Previous truce, negotiated on September 1, is constantly broken. In eastern Ukraine people die all the time. Attacks of separatists are supported by Russia. Since the beginning of the conflict in April 2014, in the East of Ukraine about 10 thousand people were killed.

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Renho Murata was chosen for opposition leader of Democratic Party. Democratic Party is the second biggest party in Japan after conservative Liberal-Democratic Party. She won by majority of 503 out of 849 votes on party's election congress. Renho Murata is the first woman leading such a big party in Japan. Murata's election for opposition leader is important while current Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is starting to lose in polls. Murata's leading opposition party is important for the woman in Japan, where women not often are working as government officials. 

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The President Barack Obama decided to remove the sanctions against Ivory Coast, sanctions in place since 2006. "Côte d'Ivoire has taken important steps to strengthen its governing and economic institutions and reconcile the differences that led to war" specified Ned Price, White House spokesman. George W. Bush imposed the sanctions in 2006, for blocking a peace process when Laurent Gbagbo was the President. The Ivory Coast's former president is now on trial before the International Criminal Court concerning crimes against humanity. Finally, Ned Price depicted an "extraordinary progress" since 2011 and the end of the civil war . Ivory Coast appears nowadays as a model of reconstruction and development in the context of an economic rise, symbolized by the Henri Konan Bédié Bridge, "which embodies the country's progress" in the heart of Abidjan.

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In Al-Jazeera's interview Australia's Immigration Minister Peter Dutton said that he agree for resettling refugees from Nauru. Refugees' boats which came to Australia will be directed to New Zealand. Minister said ther refugees won't be allowed to stay in Australia for a long time. Dutton think that Australia's government shouldn't take part in policy between Nauru and New Zealand. In 2013 NZ offered to Australia taking 150 people per year. Turnbull has consistently shut the offer down. He argued that it cause danger for people and county safety, because of smugglers growth.

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Foreign Minister of Luxembourg Jean Asselborn in an interview "Sueddeutsche Zeitung" made a demand on the exclusion of Hungary from the European Union. He said that the European Union is at stake. Asselborn said that Hungarian authorities are treating refugees like "animals" and the democratic values are damaged. He noted that: "Hungary doesn't seem far from issuing an order to shoot refugees". The statement was met with harsh criticism from European politicians.

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A package of military aid for Israel worth $38 billion over 10 years was signed on Wednesday, September 14. Though the value of the aid is lower that what Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu expected, it represents a 10% increase compared to the previous agreement. In order to secure increased aid, Israel had to make significant concessions and agreed to phase out a provision that allowed it to finance its native arms industry with US monies as well as to stop lobbying the US Congress for additional funds.

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New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is investigating Trump’s charitable foundation with a suspect on impropriety. Eric Schneiderman said his office wanted to make sure the foundation is "complying with the laws that govern charities in New York" "My interest in this issue really is in my capacity as regulator of nonprofits in New York state. And we have been concerned that the Trump Foundation may have engaged in some impropriety from that point of view," the elected Democratic official said.

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In Germany’s right-center ruling coalition there are strains that running in the race for the administration of the European Parliament, with the preservationist European People's Party (EPP) attempting to remove Martin Schulz, a German focus left Social Democrat (S&D). Manfred Weber (CSU) leader of the EPP and is likewise German, told Bild on Wednesday (14 September) that the gathering would present its own candidate for the presidential race in January 2017 to supplant Schulz. He said Schulz and his Social Democrats concurred in the first place that the moderates would pivot into the administration at that level.

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African leaders gathered in Mogadishu (Somalia's capital), for a regional meeting regarding East Africa, one of the first summits of its kind in decades. Member countries of the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development regional bloc (IGAD) were invited, and representatives of Kenya, Somalia, Uganda, Djibouti, Sudan, and Ethiopia attended the meeting. Security was one of the major concerns for Somalia, and the streets were shut down to traffic on Tuesday in the Somali capital. The dominant issue during the meeting concerned the South Sudan's crisis, as well as the preparations for the next Somali elections.

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China and India yesterday held a new round of consultations on arms control. The consultations were held under the joint chairmanship of the Director of the Department of Arms Control Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China Wang Qiong and Director of the Department of Disarmament and International Security Ministry of Foreign Affairs of India Amandeep Singh Gill. The parties came to an understanding that the entry of the party which "is not a signatory to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons of the country" in the Nuclear Suppliers Group is essentially a multilateral issue that can be resolved only by achieved through consultation the consent of all members of the Nuclear Suppliers Group. Dialog at the bilateral level should be the assistance for corresponding debates within the Nuclear Suppliers Group.

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