India and the United States are negotiating on the allocation by the US Export-Import Bank (Export-Import Bank of the United States) credit line amount of 8-9 billion dollars for the construction of nuclear power plant in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, Reuters reported, citing its sources. Earlier, the Government of India in principle approved the four sites for NPP construction with foreign participation: Jaitapur in Maharashtra, where the NPP is planning to be built with the assistance of France, Chhaya Mithi Virdi in Gujarat and Kovvada in Andhra Pradesh, and at each site it is planned to build six reactors with capacity of 1000 megawatts with the assistance of the United States. The fourth area defined for the construction of nuclear power plants in cooperation with Russia, and the place for NPP will be agreed.

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Bulgaria and Morocco signed an agreement on social security. The ceremony took place on 21 September in Rabat. On behalf of the Bulgarian contract was signed by Minister of Labour and Social Policy Zornitsa Roussinov, and Morocco was represented by the Minister of Employment and Social Affairs Abdesslamm Seddiki. The first meeting concerning the creation of a contract started on 8 January in Sofia. Talks were held by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs Morocco Mimouna Bentaleba and the Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Affairs of Bulgaria Svetlana Dyankova.

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The president of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz,arrived to the United Kingdom and said that he wants the UK to exit from the EU by 2019. He argued that it would be not right for British voters to participate in the EU parliament elections while the negotiations were in process. Mr. Schulz visited the UK for two days, to hold a series of talks on Brexit. He also met with the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, and Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn. "The EU should be prepared for the fact that the United Kingdom will start the procedural steps regarding the activation of Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty", - said Schultz to the reporters in Berlin on Thursday. According to him, "Great Britain is not in a hurry" to do so.

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On the 21 of September, Prime Minister of Slovenia Miro Cerar presented a candidate for the new minister of finance. It is the Mateja Vraničar Erman, current Secretary of State in the Ministry of Finance. Erman has a chance to become the first-ever woman in this position. She will replace Dušan Mramor, who for personal reasons resigned from office in July. He was finance minister for two terms. Until the appointment of a new minister of finance, his responsibilities are exercised by the Minister of Development, Strategic Projects and Cohesion Alenka Smerkolj.

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Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has raised the issue of Kashmir at the UN General assembly, expressing his support for Kashmir’s independence. Sharif’s speech is undoubtedly a response to the recent developments in the region, the killing of 18 Indian soldiers and many more injured and wounded, as well as Narendra Modi’s accusations against Pakistan (calling it a terrorist state). Indian officials have instantly called the UN speech into doubt and criticized PM Sharif.

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A day after an airstrike on a humanitarian convoy, another airstrike night in northern Syria killed five medics which were responding to the earlier bomb attack. The medical team had just arrived at the scene of the previous attack in a town held by rebels when the area was attacked again and ambulance drivers as well as nurses who had arrived to transport wounded patients were killed. Throughout the last years, the Syrian government has been accused of carrying out "double tap" attacks on paramedics and rescue workers.

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A few days ago, a group of European countries decided to push negotiations in support of the CETA, the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement. Concretely, they contacted Cecilia Malmstrom, the European Commissioner for Trade. Additionally, 12 EU ministers recently characterized the TTIP as "an opportunity to shape the rules of trade in the 21st century". These reactions come after France demanded to end the TTIP talks.


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As results of the September meeting and the large-scale review of the monetary policy, The Bank of Japan decided to abandon the monetary base reference point as one of the main targets. Instead, the regulator will begin to target the yield on 10-year government bonds at the current level of about 0%. Japan's stock market responded positively to the review of the monetary policy. The Nikkei 225 stock index during trading on Tuesday rose by 1.2%. Rate of the yen declines in all major currency pairs. In particular the yen fell 0.7% against the US dollar, 0.9% against the euro and the pound sterling.

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The Prime Minister of Australia Malcolm Turnbull said that Australia will take refugees from Central America as a part of refugees who are taken every year. In 2018 and 2019 it will be about 18 750 people. Those refugees came from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. At the United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York Mr Turnbull said thet UN shuold find other solution for refugees' migration (it is about 65 300 000 people in the world). 
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Western powers have reacted negatively after the Russian Parliamentary elections, which took place on September 18. Almost unanimously, European and American leaders refused to recognize the validity of the election results either as a whole or as regards the Duma deputies elected from Crimea. On September 20, the spokesperson of EU High Representative Federica Mogherini firmly declared that, given the limited permission of monitoring elections Moscow gave to the EU and OSCE/ODIHR observers, which excluded the territory of Crimea, elected deputies from the illegally annexed territories “will be treated in accordance with the policy of non-recognition by the EU”.

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