The ninth president of Israel, Shimon Perez died in the 94th year of his life. Today, his body will be buried in Jerusalem on Mount Herzl. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the head of the Palestine President Mahmoud Abbas shook hands before the start of the funeral. The former leader of the Jewish state of Israel died on 28 September. Peres - one of the founding fathers of Israel, participated in the signing of an agreement on the establishment of Palestinian autonomy in 1994.

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Saudi Arabia condemned a recently passed US law that allows lawsuits against Saudi Arabia over the September 11 attacks. The US Congress voted on Wednesday to approve legislation that will allow families of victims of the 2001 attacks to seek damages from the Saudi government. They overrode President Barack Obama's veto of the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) on relations between states. He said that the bill would set "a dangerous precedent" that could put US troops and interests at risk.

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Bulgaria’s Kristalina Georgieva, a vice president of the European Commission and a former official at the World Bank, has been proposed as a new candidate for the post of UN Secretary General. The decision was announced on September 28 by the Bulgarian Prime Minister Bojko Borisov after having evaluated the disappointing result of five appreciation informal polls of the UN Security Council on its previous backed candidate Irina Bokova, general director of UNESCO.

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Tensions in Kashmir are escalating. India has just launched a military response to the recent attack on its base in Uri, Kashmir. Surgical strikes took place on the line of control (LOC), effectively a Pakistani-Indian boarder. Pakistan says that two of its soldiers died and nine were wounded, but they deny that India has proceeded with targeted strikes on terrorist bases.Thay add that one Indian soldier has been caputred on the Pakistani side. Today Indian authorities are evacuating villagers living close to the conflicted area.

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According to the report, prepared by Amnesty International, Sudan government is responsible for a widespread use of chemical weapons in the Darfur Region. Only this year, government’s forces allegedly have already conducted 30 attacks, which caused a death of dozens of civilians, including children. The Sudanese government strongly denies that any of these allegations are true. Sudan's UN Ambassador Omer Dahab Fadl Mohamed tries to ensure public opinion that not only accusations are groundless but also alleged evidence has been fabricated. 

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According to a national plan of action published on Thursday in the area of human rights in China, the country will invite representatives of the Human Rights Council in the future to discuss the human rights situation in China. The plan, published on the Xinhua News Agency, regulates the different spheres of implementation of human rights in China in the period from 2016 to 2020.  "China will work with the experts of the special procedures UN Human Rights Council to respond to their letters, and invite their representatives to China in case of need", - said in the text of the plan. It notes that China will also encourage Chinese experts for positions in the special procedures department.

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Since the election of Rodrigo Duterte as the Filipino president the country’s relationship with the US began to be complicated to say the least. Already on few occasions since May, Duterte has found himself in direct confrontation with the American authorities. Most recently the US-Filipino relations were stirred due to Duterte’s insulting comments towards Barack Obama, and then his uneasy apology. Now the Philippine President announced that he wants an end to joint military drills.

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Unsurprisingly current incumbent president Ali Bongo has won the latest presidential elections in Gabon. Official result has been found controversial and on the edge of law because of numerous claims or even accusations of corruption and fraud. In spite of many doubts and questions, Ali Bongo has been sworn in as Gabon's president. His second seven-year term has started few days after August 27 vote and was confirmed on Saturday (24 September) by the Constitutional Court. 

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During the press conference Juha Sipilä, the prime Minister of Finland said  that his country doesn`t violate the arrangements from the agreement about the status of the Aaland islands. He also emphasized that he does not take into account changes in the status of the island. Currently, the ruling regime is the demilitarization of the island. Discussions and uncertainties concerning possible changes in defense of the island, had already begun when there was some action on Gotland, an island belong to Sweden.

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On Friday 23rd September Barack Obama vetoed a bill that allows the families of the victims and injured in the terrorist attack on 11th September 2001 to sue the governments and citizens of foreign countries, specifically Saudi Arabia, that have supposedly sponsored terrorist acts. Five days later the House of Representatives voted 348-77 and the Senate 97-1 on Wednesday to override the veto. New York Senator Chuck Shumner argued that the bill will let victim's families seek “some small measure of justice”. Texas Senator John Cornyn rejected the concept that Congress will revisit the regulation later this year and said that the bill is just a done deal. Both senators pushed hard for the bill to be adopted.

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