20 June is The World Wi-Fi Day is celebrated for the first time in 2016. Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA) ordered an independent analysis in terms of how many people in the world, who lives in the cities, are connected with a broadband connection, to celebrate The World Wi-Fi Day on June 20, 2016. The data of such analysis could be shocking as it is difficult to imagine that more than half of the world, living in the cities has no broadband connection. Read more ()>> The results of the conducted analysis are really shocking.Population with broadband connection by regions:

•Europe 83%
•North America 77%
   •Los Angeles 75.1%
•Latin America 45%
•Asia-Pacific 32%
•The Middle East 18%
•Africa 18%

At the same time, today the broadband connection is the most available to the citizens of the British Capital. The percentage of the connected population in London is 92 percent. The main factors, which could influence “connectivity”, are salary, culture environment, age, the availability of devices and literacy. Read more ()>>

Read more (WBA Alliance)>>
Read more (Economic Times)>>
Read more (Next Generation Communications)>>
Read more (World by Map)>>



20 June is The World Wi-Fi Day is celebrated for the first time in 2016.

Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA) ordered an independent analysis in terms of how many people in the world, who lives in the cities, are connected with broadband connection, to celebrate The World Wi-Fi Day on June 20, 2016. The data of such analysis could be shocking as it is difficult to imagine that more than half of the world, living in the cities has no broad band connection. Read more ()>>

The results of the conducted analysis are really shocking.

Population with broadband connection by regions: