Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca, in order to get into the Chilean border city of Arica that serves as a free “port” for Bolivia, he had to wait for more than six hours. The minister travelled to Bolivia on Monday to verify allegations of abuse and discrimination against Bolivian truckers. Chilean authorities said they have not been informed of the visit and therefore did not allow them free access. If this is the treatment given to Bolivian government representatives, then Bolivian truckers must be facing far worse, Choquehuanca said.

If mistreatment is confirmed, it could violate a treaty between Chile and Bolivia that establishes the right to free transit for Bolivian cargo through Chilean ports.

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Modern-day Bolivia is landlocked, but its territory used to extend west to the ocean. During the War of the Pacific (1879-1883), Bolivia lost that land which included 400 kilometers of coastline. Under a 1904 peace treaty, Bolivia is supposed to have free access by land to Arica and Antofagasta. Morales said that by denying Choquehuanca permission to inspect the ports, Chile is violating that accord.