The G20 summit ended in China. President Xi Jinping declared it "a great success" on completion of it at the final press conference. According to him, all the desired objectives have been achieved. "Dear friends, the 11th G20 summit has just ended with a great success", - Xi Jinping said. The summit took place in the Chinese city of Hangzhou on 4-5-th of September. Following the summit, the G20 leaders adopted a document entitled "Hangzhou consensus", endorsing the creation of a complex of measures to ensure global economic growth and taking those steps towards achieving set goals and conducting corresponding policy. The document is based on the criteria of "vision, integration, openness, and inclusiveness", - is said in the final communiqué.
Read MoreThe summit opened with unfortunate tensions between the United States and the Philippines. After President Rodrigo Duterte has made offensive remarks about Barack Obama the latter canceled their meeting. Instead, Obama met with South Korean President, Park Geun-hye, to discuss recent security threat posed by another North Korean missiles launch. Duerete has already expressed his regret over the insulting remarks he made, yet, the incident is likely to overshadow the first day of the conference.
Read MoreCanadian municipalities want the federal government to change the way it decides how much money cities should get for transit and water projects. The changes outlined in June to the federal infrastructure minister would potentially, if implemented, give more money to smaller communities to help them build a transit system or improve private septic systems. Municipal leaders are also looking to the Liberals to set aside a significant amount of money for social housing over the coming decade, and to continue funding up to half of eligible project costs to help cities more easily manage project expenses.
Read MoreProgress was definitely made during the G20 Summit, which is a step in the right direction for the global political and economic climate. Among the feats include the ratification of the Paris climate change agreement. In addition, advances in economic cooperation between Russia and China were made. However, not all the events surrounding the summit were positive. No developments were made for Russia's sake on the issue of sanctions; nor was cooperation on the Syrian crisis between Russia and the United States. Furthermore, the deployment of missile tests from North Korean toward Japan tensed up international security.
The Japanese side decided that it should lay claim to all four islands, reminded the head of state. The Soviet Union was ready to give Japan two islands of the South Kuril Islands under the agreement in 1956, but Tokyo refused to perform the contract. This was announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin to journalists. "I want to remind you, this agreement is not a secret. In 1956, the Soviet Union received the territory as a result of the Second World War. These results are recorded in international legal documents. The Soviet Union in 1956, after a rather long and persistent negotiations with Japan signed an agreement in which it is written that the two southern islands are transferred to the Japanese side, but, nevertheless, it is written "transferred", but does not say on what conditions transferred and whose sovereignty is preserved ", - Putin said.
Read More2,700 migrants were saved and fifteen bodies recovered on Monday, in the Mediterranean, thanks to the intervention of Italy's navy and coast guard ships. The Italian Navy said six bodies had been found earlier in the same day. The rescuers consisted of various boats from the European Union anti-smuggling mission, humanitarian groups, and also a commercial tug boat. According to Italy's Interior Ministry, it is Europe's worst migrant crisis since World War Two while the U.N. refugee agency spokesman declared that the death toll has increased to one migrant for every 42. By the end of August some 93,000 people had arrived, and according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), 3,171 migrants have died or gone missing while crossing the Mediterranean this year.
Read MoreBritish Prime Minister Theresa May gave an interview for the BBC, during which she rejected the possibility of organizing a second referendum on outputs the UK from the EU. She added that there won’t be earlier elections before 2020. "Britain needs time of stability to cope with the challenges that we face" she pointed out. May clearly excludes the holding of a second referendum on the country's membership in the community. "The British want us to leave the European Union and this is what we do" - he stressed.
Read MoreOn the 4th of September, a regional election took place in the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in Germany which is Angela Merkel's home state. The center-left Social Democrats came first with 31% of the votes, the far-right Alternative for Germany came the second with 21% of votes and, thus, for the first time in modern Germany, a far-right party overtook Merkel's Christian Democrat bloc who received 19% of votes at this election. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has already claimed to be unhappy about the outcomes of the election, and linked the results with the immigration policy.
Read MoreDuring the first day of a two-day visit of the President of Bulgaria to Prague, R. Plevneliev met his counterpart M.Zeman. The main focus of the discussion was on the refugee crisis. M.Zeman has assured R. Plevneliev that the Czech Republic will assist Bulgaria in protecting the EU's external border. Bulgaria has the longest land border with Turkey among all the member states and therefore faces serious challenges from migrant influx. The President of Bulgaria underlined that the border remains under control mainly due to productive cooperation with Turkey, still called the EU for tighter control of the external borders.
Read MoreDuring the G20 summit India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, has condemned international terrorism, pointing towards Pakistan for supporting it. He said that only 'one single nation in South Asia is spreading the agents of terror'. Modi’s remarks come undoubtedly as a response to the recent crisis in Kashmir. The Indian Prime Minister stated that his country has a zero policy for terrorism and urged the international community to follow suit. Modi expressed his appreciation for the G20s initiative to end the financing of terrorism, but added that all countries should meet the Financial Action Task Force standards. One day earlier Modi made a similar speech in a separate meeting with fellow members of the BRICK group.
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