With the help of 500 billboards and 500 posters, the Two-Tailed Dog Party has launched a campaign against the migrant referendum which will take place on the 2nd of October in Hungary. Although all opposition parties except the far-right Jobbik have condemned the referendum and called for the boycott of it, this initiative of the Two-Tailed Dog Party is the first vocal campaign against the referendum. The campaign seems to be supported by the local population as the Two-Tailed Dog Party managed to raise around 29 million forints (€ 93,600) from citizens in two weeks.
Read MoreReuters Tokyo reports that Japan might be seeking closer economic ties with Russia, as the Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, is preparing for a visit to Vladivostok. It is one of the many trips Abe has already paid to Russia. This times he is going to take part business conference. Putin has not yet been to Tokyo since Abe took his office, but an exchaneg visit is planned for December. The Japanese are interested in improving economic relations with Russia in light of the growing Chiense power and an interest in Russia's natural rescources.
Read MoreThe Czech intelligence agency, Security Information Service (BIS), published an annual report. According to the report, in 2015 the Chinese and Russian counterintelligence services were the most active in the Czech Republic. The report states that while Chinese intelligence services are mainly interested in extending influence in politics and economy, Russian intelligence services wage an information war. The information campaign primarily focuses on the Ukrainian and Syrian conflicts, but also tries to weaken the Czech Republic – EU and the Czech Republic- NATO relationship.
Read MorePolish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski met with his British counterpart Boris Johnson to talk about last months' attacks on Poles living in the UK after Brexit referendum. The two discussed during a session of the OSCE foreign ministers in Potsdam on September 1. The meeting, which stressed common challenges for the security of the OSCE region and the engagement of the Organisation in crisis and conflict management, and in the fight against terrorism, led Minister Johnson to promise to get to the bottom of the issue. The British declared that anti-immigrant actions will no longer be tolerated in the UK, while reaffirming to do everything to protect Poles and other foreign communities living in the UK.
Read MoreUncertainty and speculation are surrounding Uzbekistan's President Islam Karimov after he has been hospitalized on August 28. The official state newspaper, Gazeta, reported the cabinet said Karimov's stay in the hospital would "require a certain amount of time for medical assessment and treatment." Although the statement did not elaborate on Karimov's medical condition or provide a reason for his hospitalization, Karimov's younger daughter Lola Karimova-Tillyaeva specified via social media on August 29 that her 78-year-old father remained alive and recover follows what she said was a brain haemorrhage.
Read MoreOn Wednesday, conservative party (PP) leader Mariano Rajoy, who is acting prime minister's of Spain, has not received a vote of confidence from deputies. 180 MPs commented against Rajoy`s tries to form a government. 170 deputies were in after debates in parliament. It was expected that MPs will reject the Rajoys bid to form a government. An absolute majority of 176 seats in the 350-seat assembly was needed. Rajoy was supported only by his party, the centrist Ciudadanos and a lone MP from the Canary Islands.
Read MoreAccording to Turkish minister of EU affairs Omer Celik “We do not accept in any circumstances a 'compromise or a ceasefire reached between Turkey and Kurdish elements”. The statement revealed after the US statement, which pronounced the agreement on a ceasefire between the Turkish-backed rebels and Kurdish forces – SDF, near Jarablus area. According to US sources, US received assurance that all anti-ISIL fighters in the region reached a deal on the ceasefire. Colonel of US Central Command told: “It is a loose agreement for at least the next couple of days and we are hoping that will solidify".
Read MoreRepublican nominee for the presidency of the United States accepted the invitation of Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto on Wednesday in a hastily arranged visit to Mexico hours before delivering a highly anticipated speech on how he will tackle illegal immigration. One of the agendas of the meeting will be discussing bilateral relations. The meeting expected to be extraordinary, taking to the account Trump’s pledges to build a war and make Mexico pay for it and Nieto’s comparison Trump to Mussolini.
Read MoreEstonia's presidential elections took place between Monday and Tuesday, and an electoral college was supposed to pick up the new head of the state, but none of the contenders reached the necessary number of votes. The former Prime Minister Sim Kallas and former Education Minister Mailis Reps failed to ensure the required two-thirds majority of the parliament (consisting of 101 seats), following two rounds of voting. According to the law, the speaker of the Riigikogu will assemble an electoral body consisting of 101 MPs and 234 representatives of local government councils for the final election.
Read MoreViolence spread to the homes of the Roma community in southern Ukraine after a mob destroyed Their village over the weekend. The mob shattered windows, tore down fences, and set fire to houses. The violence erupted after the body of a nine-year-old girl was found, Suspected to have been raped by a 21-year-old Roma man. Although later noted, by the Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group, the man was not Roma, the tensions between non-Roma and Roma were already high and escalating. Demanding the Roma be expelled from the village, they soon apparently left voluntarily and left many of Their personal belongings behind.
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