British Prime Minister Theresa May gave an interview for the BBC, during which she rejected the possibility of organizing a second referendum on outputs the UK from the EU. She added that there won’t be earlier elections before 2020. "Britain needs time of stability to cope with the challenges that we face" she pointed out. May clearly excludes the holding of a second referendum on the country's membership in the community. "The British want us to leave the European Union and this is what we do" - he stressed.

 „The reason I’ve been saying Brexit means Brexit is precisely because it does” said May in her first major interview since taking the office.

Read more about Theresa May (Info Globe) >>

Brexit consists of two parts: quitting the EU and starting new controls over migration. Already this week, the first time after the summer break will convene parliament. During his meeting will be show a detailed report on the preparations for the Brexit.

Read more about Brexit (Info Globe) >>

However, Prime Minister refused to answer the question of whether the procedure of leaving the EU, as described in the Article 50 of the EU Treaty, will be launched before September 2017. Some British media said that Britain could wait until after France's presidential election in May 2017 and even German elections due by October 22 next year at the latest.

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Read more about things you need to know about Brexit (Huffpost Politics) >>