2 września 2008 roku 2 Centrum Stosunków Międzynarodowych odbyło się spotkanie z Dr Sivanem Karthą (Stockholm Environment Institute, US Center) zatytułowane The right to development in a climate-constrained world: The Greenhouse Development Rights Framework.
Publikacja "The Right to Development in a Climate Constrained World" - Paul Baer, Tom Athanasiou (EcoEquity), Sivan Kartha (Stockholm Environment Institute)
Dr. Sivan Kartha is a Senior Scientist at the Stockholm Environment Institute whose research and publications pertain to assessments of energy technologies and policy analyses relating to climate change and sustainable development. As Director of SEI’s Climate and Energy Programme, he focuses on equity and efficiency in the formation of an international climate regime, and has worked with policy makers, private sector actors, foundations, and NGOs throughout the world. A major research area of Dr. Kartha's regards global instruments for responding to climate change, such as emissions trading, joint implementation, and the CDM. He has provided technical input to the UNFCCC Secretariat, the World Bank PCF, the GEF, and several international research collaborations. Dr. Kartha also works on the environmental and socioeconomic impacts of advanced biomass energy technologies and supply in developing countries. In this regard, he has provided expert technical input to the United Nations Development Programme, the Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme of the World Bank, civil society groups and foundations.
Seminarium zorganizowane w ramach partnerskiej współpracy z Fundacją Konrada Adenauera w Polsce.