
Udostępniamy rozszerzoną wersję wykładu dr Lily Gardner Feldman, dotyczącego historii pojednań Niemców z Czechami, Francuzami, Polakami i Żydami, zorganizowanego przez CSM we współpracy z Fundacją Konrada Adenauera w Polsce oraz Niemieckim Instytutem Historycznym.

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Dr. Lily Gardner Feldman is currently a Senior Fellow in Residence at the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies/The Johns Hopkins University, where she is completing a book entitled "From Enmity to Amity: Germany's Reconciliation with France, Israel, the Czech Republic and Poland." She also directs the Institute's Society, Culture, and Politics Program. She has a Ph.D in Political Science from MIT.

From 1978 until 1991, Dr. Gardner Feldman was a professor of political science (tenured) at Tufts University in Boston. She was also a Research Associate at Harvard University's Center for European Studies, where she chaired the German Study Group and edited German Politics and Society; and a Research Fellow at Harvard University's Center for International Affairs, where she chaired the Seminar on the European Community and undertook research in the University Consortium for Research on North America. From 1990 until 1995, Dr. Gardner Feldman was the first Research Director of AICGS and its Co-director in 1995. From 1995 until 1999, she was a Senior Scholar in Residence at the BMW Center for German and European Studies at Georgetown University. She returned to Johns Hopkins University in 1999.

Dr. Gardner Feldman has published widely in the U.S. and Europe on German foreign policy, German-Jewish relations, international reconciliation, non-state entities as foreign policy players and the EU as an international actor. Her most recent publication is "Non-Governmental Actors in Germany's Foreign Policy of Reconciliation," in Anne-Marie Le Gloannec, ed., Non-State Actors in International Relations: The Case of Germany (Manchester: Manchester University Press 2007). Her work on Germany's foreign policy of reconciliation has led to lecture tours in Japan (2006) and South Korea (2007).

Fundacja Konrada Adenauera w Polsce

Niemiecki Instytut Historyczny
