With the help of 500 billboards and 500 posters, the Two-Tailed Dog Party has launched a campaign against the migrant referendum which will take place on the 2nd of October in Hungary. Although all opposition parties except the far-right Jobbik have condemned the referendum and called for the boycott of it, this initiative of the Two-Tailed Dog Party is the first vocal campaign against the referendum. The campaign seems to be supported by the local population as the Two-Tailed Dog Party managed to raise around 29 million forints (€ 93,600) from citizens in two weeks.
Earlier, the Associated Press reported that the three opposition parties were intended to launch an anti-referendum campaign on the 15th of September.
The referendum will raise the question whether Hungarians want the European Union to be entitled to prescribe the mandatory settlement of non-Hungarian citizens in Hungary without the consent of parliament. In favour of the referendum, the Hungarian government issued the billboards that say: "Did you know? The Paris attacks were committed by migrants", "Did you know that since the start of the migration crisis there has been a sharp increase in the number of harassments against women in Europe?", "Did you know that Brussels wants to deport the equivalent of a town of migrants to Hungary?". The billboards created by the Two-Tailed Dog Party imitate the style of the governmental billboards and say: "Did you know? There is war in Syria", "Did you know? Corruption offences are mostly committed by politicians".
Gergely Kovacs, the Two-Tailed Dog Party's leader, states that the fear of the migrants among Hungarians are ungrounded as the most of Hungarians have never seen migrants, moreover, Hungary should not expect to take in millions of migrants because low salaries in Hungary will not attract lots of them to stay in the country.
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