On Wednesday, conservative party (PP) leader Mariano Rajoy, who is acting prime minister's of Spain, has not received a vote of confidence from deputies. 180 MPs commented against Rajoy`s tries to form a government. 170 deputies were in after debates in parliament. It was expected that MPs will reject the Rajoys bid to form a government. An absolute majority of 176 seats in the 350-seat assembly was needed. Rajoy was supported only by his party, the centrist Ciudadanos and a lone MP from the Canary Islands.
The Popular Party is in power since 2011. It won the most seats in both elections which held in December and June. Unfortunately, it fell short of an absolute majority.
Read more about election in June (Info Globe) >>
MPs will vote again on Friday, Rajoy only needs more votes in favour than against. It is expected that the result will be the same as yesterday. To win the majority and form a government, Rajoy needs the help of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE). In recent elections, the PSOE was ranked in second place and currently has 85 seats.
If Rajoy will fail the second ballot to get the required support, within two months it will be able to present another candidate. If at this time, none of them will receive the support of Parliament on October 31, the two chambers will be dissolved, and elections should be held most likely on December 25. This date is determined by timings laid out in Spanish election law.
Read more about economic situation in Spain (Info Globe) >>
Rajoy assured that within the next two months plans to seek support from other parties to avoid a third election.
Read more (Spanish News) >>
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