
Centrum Stosunków Międzynarodowych wraz z Fundacją Konrada Adenauera w Polsce zorganizowało seminarium Ireland Votes No - Reasons, Internal Dynamics, Implications for the Future z udziałem Pana Declana O'Donovan, Ambasadora Irlandii w Polsce. Spotkanie odbyło się w czwartek, 3 lipca 2008 roku.

 Ambassador Declan O’Donovan was talking about the build-up to the No vote in the Irish referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. He presented an analysis of the reasons and the internal dynamics that influenced the outcome of the Irish vote. He also describe the mechanics of the Irish political and electoral system and put them in a historical context, based on experiences provided by previous Irish referenda.

An expert discussion by a number of other invited guests on possible future scenarios was followed after Ambassador Declan O’Donovan speech.
