On Sunday, the regional election in Spain was held. Today the official results were published. The conservative People`s Party (PP), from which the Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy originated, won in Galicia. In the Basque Country the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV) took the first place. The People's Party gained 41 seats in the 75-seat regional parliament of Galicia. It  holds an absolute majority. On the second place was the "En Marea", the radicals of local Podemos (We can). Third place went to the opposition Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE).

In the Basque Country PNV won 29 seats in the 75-seat regional parliament. Second place went to left-wing EH Bildu, the "Unity of the Basque Country" (Euskal Herria Bildu), winning 17 seats. On the third place, with 11 seats, was ranked Elkarrekin-party Podemos, the radicals of Podemos (We can). These three parties are in favour of total independence of the Basque Country and the right to self-determination.

This election has significantly weakened the position of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE). It lost voices in favour of Podemos.

So far there have been two rounds of Spanish parliamentary elections in December and in June. Since that time, parties failed to form a government.

Read more about an attempt to form a government (Info Globe) >>

They fail to forge a coalition, resulting a deadlock and problems in managing the nation. AFP reports that the parties should agree on forming a new government until October 31. It will be a precedential moment, because Spain has never had a coalition government since its return to democracy in 1957.

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