Foreign Minister Zarif underlined the need for further trilateral cooperation between Iran, Turkey and Russia in fighting terrorism in the region. Speaking during the press conference with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu, Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said the Islamic Republic was "delighted" to see Turkey starting new cooperation with Russia. "We are also ready to cooperate and help. These three countries [Russia, Iran and Turkey] should work together to bring peace and prosperity to the region," Zarif said.
Zarif also said Iran and Turkey should increase cooperation on tourism.
"We are ready to facilitate the connections of electricity, natural gas and energy lines to Turkey and Europe," Zarif said. "We are ready to do business with Turkey in that field."
Zarif also mentioned the foiled coup attempt and hailed the Turkish people for being "a reason for the region's people to feel proud".
"I would like to congratulate the Turkish people for the resistance they put up against the putschists," Zarif said. "They showed the other people in the region that they would not let their democracy and their rights to be taken away from them."
Zarif said ties between Iran and Turkey are "strong and permanent", adding that past relations provide lots of business opportunities for the two sides.
Highlighting the Syria issue, Zarif said Iran "has always had positive dialogues with Turkey on the Syria subject".
"We also have great ties with Russia on the issue and we believe that all parties must cooperate to provide security, peace and stop conflicts," Zarif said.
Cavusoglu also said that Turkey and Iran are "on the same page" about Syria's territorial integrity adding that dialogue between the countries never stopped.
"We stress the importance of Iran's constructive role in providing a permanent solution in Syria from the beginning," Cavusoglu said. "We say the same thing today."
Cavusoglu also mentioned that Turkey did not see "any difference between the PKK, PYD and PJAK", adding that these terrorist groups are a security threat to Iran and Turkey.
"We need to fight against those together," Cavusoglu said. "We will strengthen our cooperation level to provide peace and a permanent solution in Syria."