Syria’s government agreed to a ceasefire deal on 22 February announced by the US and Russia with the conditional acceptance of the High Negotiations Committee (HNC), the leading opposition group. The deal does not apply to terrorist groups such as IS and al-Nusra Front. The deal calls for a ‘cessation of hostilities’ and will take effect at midnight on 27 February Damascus time. In a change to earlier ceasefire statements, Russia and the US have agreed to act as direct monitors of the cessation of hostilities. Violations of the ceasefire will be reported on a co-chaired US-Russia hotline which will have power to block warring parties from the agreement, opening it to military attack. The US continues to insist that Assad stands down at the end of the process, but Iran and Russia have spoken instead of decentralisation, and Assad being left with a more titular role. Additionally, Assad called a parliamentary election for 13 April. Elections are held every four years in Syria with the last one held in 2012.

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