President Vladimir Putin has canceled arranged meeting to France. Visit with French President Francois Hollande due to the opening of a Russian religious and cultural center should take place on 19 October in Paris. However, on Tuesday Russian News Agency TASS informed about the annulment of the meeting after the French government decided to bring up Syrian war issue during the talks. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov did not provide a proper explanation due to the change of Putin's schedule.
Lack of an appropriate commentary from Russia officials has led French side to the conclusion that the Russian President postponed his visit in order to avoid questions about the latest air strike in Syrian city Aleppo. The situation was exacerbated by the information announced by media that the French government is ready to bring an accusation against Russia due to war crimes committed in Syria.
After all, the French president commented the incident on Tuesday at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, "I made it known to Mr. Putin that if he came to Paris, I would not accompany him to any ceremonies, but that I was ready to continue the dialogue on Syria. He decided to postpone the visit". In another statement, Francois Hollande added that he is ready to set another date of the meeting on condition that talks will include a matter of peace in Syria. At the moment there in no response of Russia side to the proposition put forward by the French President.
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