Prime Minister Tuilaepa Lupesoliai Sailele Malielegaoi has confirmed the changes in two of his Cabinet Ministers after the Cabinet meeting. The Prisons and Rehabilitation Services that was under the Minister of Police is now under the Minister of Revenue, Tialavea Leniu Tionisio Hunt. Tourism has been moved from Lautafi Selafi Fio Purcell and is now under the Minister of Police & Prisons, Salā Fata Pinati. Public Trust Corporation that was under the Revenue Ministers is now also under Salā Fata Pinati. The changes according to Tuilaepa are due to the heavy load already carried by other Ministers. Prime Minister said that he replace prisons and rehabilitation under a different Minister because in his opinion previous Minister was focused on Ministry of Police too much. Police were more important than issues of rehabilitation and prisons.
“There is much work needed at the prison and rehab services because the people that are placed in this centre have to come out as changed people, so the focus should be on this area too,” said Tuilaepa.
He refers to other countries such as New Zealand that have separated the police and prison facilities based on rehabilitation services for prisoners.