On Wednesday, August 24, citing sources in U.S. authorities CNN reported that the FBI suspects Russia of carrying out a series of hackingattempts on U.S. media outlets, including the computer network of The New York Times. FBI has identified severalhacker attacks in previous months with the Times Moscow office being targeted as recently as Tuesday, August 23.
NYT spokeswoman Eileen Murphy said in an interview with CNN “we constantly monitor our systems with the latest available intelligence and tools and we have seen no evidence that any of our internal systems, including our systems in the Moscow bureau, have been breached or compromised”. The FBI declined to comment on the matter.
After the Wikileaks had published emails of Democratic National Committee, the FBI paid special attention to the hackerattacks involving Russia. DNC emailscontained evidence that the officially independent Committee was more favorable to Hillary Clinton than to her rival, Bernie Sanders. The emails were leaked just before the Democratic NationalConvention, where Hillary Clinton was to be formally recognized as the Democratic candidate in the presidential elections.
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