The Ecuadorean government said on Friday that the U.S. does not have a right nor does it have a mandate to criticize the internal policies of foreign countries. Ecuadorean Foreign Minister Guillaume Long said „The United States has no international or multilateral mandate … to go around judging countries, to play the role of judge of the world, no country has that right, there are international bodies for that”.
The discord happens as the result of a report by the U.S. Department of State that included Ecuador in a list of 57 countries that supposedly do not meet some fiscal transparency levels established by the government of the United States.
Long adds that it was “ironic” that a country that is “home to many tax havens” would think it appropriate to criticize other governments regarding their transparency.
“The Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry expresses its serious concern about the creation of unilateral and biased reports that unfairly harm our country’s international image,” the statement reads. It also shed light on the fact that Ecuador has undertaken a global campaign, with the Minister himself visiting Vatican, with the aim of putting an end to tax havens. He thus stated “It is no coincidence that, now that we are in a global crusade for ethical pact, some badly intentioned countries want to take away our credibility”.
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