After a series of controversial remarks that Donald Trump has already made on the future relationship with Russia under his presidency, since the mailing scandal that broke up in the midst of the Democratic convention, the Republican Party candidate for Presidency went even further, suggesting that he could go as far as accepting Russia’s annexation of Crimea.Trump’s fateful comment was made on a TV program This Week. He was criticizing Obama’s administration, blaming the current President of the United States for creating the mess in that part of the world.

Trump reassured that once he steppes into the White House, Putin is ‘not going to into Ukraine, okay, just so you understand’. Donald Trump has been previously accused of taking an overfriendly stand on Russia, for example when he called for Russian hackers to use espionage against Hillary Clinton. Throughout his campaign Donald Trump made himself very well known for his ferocious character. His recent comments, however, didn’t come unnoticed around the world, in particular in Ukraine. This is even more so, due to Putin's recent abolition of the Crimean Federal District. Ukraine’s Interior Minister, Arsen Avakov, said about Trump: ‘a marginal who support Putin’s dictatorship cannot be a guarantor of democratic freedoms in the U.S. and the world.’ Likewise Volodymyr Yelchenko, Ukrainian Ambassador to the United Nations, condemned Trump’s words. As the US elections are approaching the debate is getting more heated and Trump’s approach seems even more worrisome both in the States and abroad. 

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