On Tuesday, the budget bill for 2017 financial services and general government spending has been approved in the House of Representatives with several clauses that seek to toughen sanctions on Cuba. The clauses limit "people to people" exchange trips, forbid the granting of trademark rights and intellectual property with businesses or properties confiscated by the Cuban government, restrict financial transactions with entities tied to the Cuban military and prohibit the use of funds for trafficking in confiscated property.

The new measures contradict President Barack Obama's policy of thawing relations with Cuba, which has been under a U.S. blockade for over 50 years. However, in order for it to become law, the clauses need to pass the U.S. Senate and receive President Obama's signature.

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The relationship between Cuba and the U.S. is slowly starting to normalize as diplomatic relations between Washington and Havana are opening. However, there are still matters that are halting the thaw such as Barack Obama’s unfulfilled promise to close Guantánamo Bay.