On 18 march 2016, the earlier appointment of Lula da Silva, former President of Brazil, to become the Chief of Staff by current President Dilma Rousseff - who is facing a possible impeachment - was annulled by a top judge. The decision was made by judge Gilmar Mendes, member of the Supreme Court. The move comes as an earlier decision by a Federal Judge was overturned earlier to annul his appointment. Lula da Silva is currently charged for corruption related to the Petrobras scandal, and Dilma Rousseff has lost public trust, as her former mentor among others is related to corruption, while Brazil is in economic decline and facing an ever greater political crisis. 

The judge who made the decision, Gilmar Mendes, was appointed back in 2002 by then President Fernando Henrique Cardoso, of the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB) who has been in opposition since 2003, when Lula da Silva and his Workers' Party (RT) took over. It is part of a legal battle of different judges, divided between supporting or opposing the regime.

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Former President of Brazil Lula da Silva is alleged to have been responsible for corruption scandals linked to the state-owned oil giant Petrobras. For more on the Petrobras corruption scandals in Brazil click here and here.

For more on the possible impeachment of current President of Brazil Dilma Rousseff and its procedure click here.

For more on the dire economic situation of Brazil click here.
For economic facts and figures on Brazil click here and here.