A set of primaries took place on another ''Super Tuesday'' as Republicans were voting in the 4 states of Hawaii, Idaho, Michigan and Mississippi and the Democrats were voting in Michigan and Mississippi. Donald Trump and Ted Cruz managed to secure 3 and 1 victories respectively, while Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders each won 1 state. The victories for Donald Trump come at a good time as he has been targetted non-stop by anti-Trump campaigns, also by the Republican establishment itself. While Hillary Clinton got more delegates than Bernie Sanders, the latter did succeed in surprising the pollsters, as Bernie Sanders was projected to lose Michigan by far, the state it won. The next important primaries to watch are those on 15 March. During this date primaries will be held in Florida, Illinois, Ohio, North Carolina and Missouri.

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For an overview of the delegates won by each contender click here.

For an overview of next primaries to be held click here.
For an explanation on primaries in general click here.

For latest polls on the Republican candidates click here.
For latest polls on the Democrat candidates click here.