The so called ''Super Tuesday'' during which primaries of both the Democrats and the Republicans took place in 11 states have been won by Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Following earlier wins both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton managed to secure victories in 7 out of 11 states. In the Republican's race, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio followed with 3 and 1 state victories respectively, while the only contender to Hillary Clinton trailed his rival with 4 states. Later on during the day, Ben Carson speculated on dropping his bid for the Republican Nomination. Earlier Republican former contender Chris Christie surprisingly officially endorsed Donald Trump. After their victories, both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump aimed at each other instead of their Democrat and Republican collegues. The popularity of Donald Trump is becoming a headache for the Republican establishment that would rather see a more moderate candidate win.

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For an overview of the delegates won by each contender during "Super Tuesday" click here or here.
For an overview of next primaries to be held click here.
For an explanation on primaries in general click here.