European Union leaders melt in Valetta to give their political backing to a series of new measures aimed at stemming the flow of migrants from the Libyan coast to Italy. After an EU-Turkish deal, the Mediterranean crossing is now the main migrant route. Some of the key declarations include capacity building in Libya for key authorities to acquire control over land and sea borders, financial support for Libyan national coastguard, attempt to step up voluntary returns by migrants, assist in policing Libya’s land borders, and that the EU would look at the possibility of sending migrants back to Libya (and the potential barriers to this, whilst respecting international law).

The US President was also the subject of some of the talks, criticising the new administrations sentiments on the value of international institutions. As the future of the EU remains uncertain, the council is in the process of hashing out ideas for a declaration on the bloc’s future when they mark its 60 th anniversary in Rome in March.

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