A memo about the Brexit was leaked to the BBC and The Times, which confirms that ``No common strategy has emerged´´ between the departments, despite intensive discussions. The internal memo titled ``Brexit update´´ from the cabinet has been dated 7 November 2016 and was written by a not-known government adviser in a private initiative. Throughout the leaked document it becomes evident that every department has its own plan for the Brexit and there is no common approach.

The document reported that the British government will still need six months, 30,000 officials to develop a strategy for withdrawing from the EU and there are over 500 ongoing projects related to the Brexit. Additionally, the memo revealed that Prime Minister Theresa May tends to settle matters herself without further consent. Furthermore, also a great split between three Brexit ministers Liam Fox, Boris Johnson and David Davis and the chancellor Philip Hammond has been revealed. Theresa May aims at beginning the two-year exit negotiations of Great Britain at the end of March. This might not happen now, according to the leaked document.

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