The euro zone finance ministers approved 1.1 billion euros after Greece was given a positive review concerning the outstanding reforms. Nonetheless, Greece hoped to receive 2.8 billion euros from this third aid package. The decision about the remaining 1.7 billion was postponed until the end of October, as data on arrears payments for September is still missing from Athens. These funds were part of the third bailout program, 86 billion euros, which was agreed upon with the euro zone members in 2010. In return, Greece had to carry out reforms concerning pensions, labor markets and privatizations. So far 33.5 billion euros had been approved by the EU.  

The euro zone finance ministers expressed that Greece completed to carry out 15 reform actions, called milestones, which were agreed on. Hereby, the institutions that assessed whether these reforms have been carried out are the European Commission, the European Central Bank, the eurozone bailout fund ESM and the International Monetary Fund. Despite the positive reviews, some countries, such as Germany, still remained critical about the completion of the milestone concerning making a privatization fund fully operational. The next review, which is part of the bailout package for Greece, will focus mainly on reforms concerning the Greek labor market. 

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