The King of Spain Felipe has asked acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy to try to form a government after the second inconclusive election, that have resulted in hung parliaments and no overall majority in six months. Mariano Rajoy as a mind of the conservative People’s Party (Partido Popular) warned about to run out to meet King Felipe VI's request to rally MPs from other parties around him. Exit polls, which had evoked that the far-left Unidos Podemos coalition was on course to stage a historic breakthrough by pushing the socialist PSOE into third space, were thoroughly confounded as it became clear that the anticipated surge would not happen. 

Most members of parties have already refused to hold a conservative-run government in talks with the King earlier this week, leaving the PP with just 137 votes in parliament when 176 are needed to secure a bulk.

"Spain needs a government now, this government should be headed by the PP and there is no alternative to this," Mr Rajoy told a news conference after meeting with King Felipe.
Four rounds of interviews with the King between the parties have already ended in stalemate following national elections in December and June which both resulted in hung parliaments.

Podemos’s strong showing last December that finishing first in Catalonia, where it ran in a coalition with Barcelona en Comú, and the Basque country, that had led its leader, Pablo Iglesias, to declare at the time that the era of PP and PSOE domination was over, saying: “Spain is not going to be the same anymore and we are very happy.”
Insiders have said “It is hoped an EU deadline to pass a budget by October next year will speed up a solution to the deadlock”.
Since the PP was the only one of the four primary parties to gain more seats in June than in December, Mr Rajoy has said that if he failed to gain a stable majority, he would try to melt down a minority regime.

"This period should not drag on in such a way that we would not be able to fulfil our European commitments, such as the spending limit, the deficit target and the budget, also before mid-October, this should be sent to Europe " Mr Rajoy said.

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