On the 5th of May, Labour’s candidate Sadiq Khan was elected mayor of London. After what can be described as one of the most resentful and agressive electoral contests from recent years in Britain, Khan decisively won against his Conservative opponent Zac Goldsmith. Even before Khan’s formal victory was announced,  many people criticised Goldsmith for his campaign. Indeed, his tactics involved trying to associate Khan with extremism by creating an amalgam with the Islamists he had worked with in the past. Khan, Muslim son of an immigrant bus driver has denounced Islamist extremism many times, and he praised London in his victory speech for resisting Goldsmith’s pessimism and alarmism. 

One might say that Sadiq Khan has now become the most powerful Muslim to hold elected office in Europe. It has also given Labour side an important victory to celebrate after the party suffered a drastic defeat in Scotland.

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