On 24 March 2016, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) sentenced Radovan Karadzic, the former President of the Republic Srpska - still part of current Bosnia and Herzegovina - in prison for 40 years. He was convicted of genocide and crimes against humanity. He was found guilty of this during the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina between 1992-1995, as he gave orders related to these crimes to his military commanders. 

He has been in custody already since 2008, and the trial took place in 2009. Furthermore, it has been 21 years since he was first charged of which he was 11 years on the run. While received with scepticism in Serbia, victims of the conflict were disappointed, as he was merely convicted for the Srebrenica massacre in 1995 and not for the massacres that took place in 1992 at the start of the conflict. Radovan Karadzic still has an opportunity to appeal, for which he has 30 days. The trial of his military commander Ratko Mladic is still ongoing.

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For background information on the Srebrenica massacre of 1995 click here.

For a summary of the judgement click here.