After a few years of break, Poland has started to buy a concentrated apple juice in China. Taking into account that Poland is one of the largest producers of apples in the world, this situation can be described as "carrying a coals to Newcastle". According to analysis prepared by PKO BP, from July to September, the EU countries imported from China 9,6 thousand tons of concentrate, almost three times more than the year before. The reason for this situation are spring frosts, which caused losses in apples not only in Poland, but in many European countries. In 2017 apples harvest was lowest for 10 years. This situation has probably facilitated the Chinese state-owned company Zhonglu Fruit Juice Co. Ltd. to purchase Appol, the largest apple concentrate producer in Poland for the sum of over 68,5 mln PLN (ca. 16,3 mln EUR). In December the companies have signed an investment agreement, but the success of the transaction and the final price will depend on the results of the audit.