Yesterday the US and India signed a milestone logistic agreement, known as LEMOA. It is a step towards increasing defense ties between the two countries. It has been India’s concern that the agreement would not include the stationing of American troops in its military bases. US Secretary of Defense, Ash Carter, and Indian Defense Minister, Manohar Parrikar, initially reached an agreement in April, however, the details of it have been established only recently.
As the Indian government wished there will be no basing of American troops in their country. Instead the LEMOA agreement facilitates logical support – the use of each other’s land, air and naval bases for repair and resupply. The US has also agreed to increase defense trade and technology sharing, such as it does with its closest allies. As has been underlined during yesterday’s meeting the agreement was reached based on the premise that the United States and India share common values and interests and are both committed to global peace and security. However, LEMOA will also play an important role internally in India. According to Benjamin Schwartz, the former India country director at Pentagon, for years the Indian press has been misinforming its public about the US-India defense relations, projecting a negative image of the United States. Although the agreement might strike an initial wave of criticism at home, it is in India’s best long-term interest to build stronger defense relations with Washington –Schwartz adds.
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