Gabon citizens will vote for president on 27 August. The main candidate for this office is current president Ali Bongo. 57-years old politician came into power as a result of the elections in 2009. He took the office after the death of his father (Omar Bongo) who had ruled country with iron fist from 1967. Bongo’s rival is a former African Union Chairman Jean Ping. Bongo’s family has been in charge for many years what helped them to create an effective authoritarian regime. Nevertheless, Ali Bongo is facing huge antipathy expressing by average citizens who are in opposition to current president.
Tension between population and public officials is rapidly increasing. Moreover the opposition has started questioning Bongo's citizenship and eligibility. Apparently they do not want to witness Bondo’s another 7 years in office. There has been growing popular dissatisfaction and numerous public sector strikes in recent months. People are frustrated enough to start riots on the streets.
Gabon is a small country but an oil-rich coutry. Reveune from natural resources is a pillar of Gabon’s economic development. That is why country (including standart of living) has been suffering by the drop of oil prices in recent years. Thousands of oil workers have already lost their jobs.
Despite the fact that there is a question mark over Bongo’s reelection, Jean Ping, another candidate, does not seem to initiate « a fresh start » for Gabon. They were close coworkers for a long time. Hence, he is strongly attached to Bongo’s family. Furthermore Ping is the father of two children by Ali's sister.