Bartłomiej Nowak “Demystifying European Enlargement: Lessons for Ukraine and Brussels" – text published on 16th December 2013 in the “Expert commentary” on The German Marshall Fund of the United States. The EU should play a hardball: use its power of a 'gate-keeper', admit that it is still an open project and that the article 49 of TEU is valid. It would cost European leaders nothing, except a little courage. Ukraine would have no excuse.

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‘Today, the Republic of South Africa is an economic power and a strong player in international politics. However, social differences have not yet disappeared and internal politics are steeped in corruption and dominated by governmental groups, which control the economy. Many of African citizens of South Africa are still not able to take full advantage of the chances given to them by abolishment of apartheid.’ – We encourage reading the analysis published by THINKTANK and Centre for International Relations.

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Bartłomiej Nowak “Growing Tension between the EU and its Members is Road to Nowhere” - text published on 15th November 2013, in the “Expert commentary” section, on “The German Marshall Fund of the United States” website. EU Member States need to be careful with their desire to go back to the previous competences. If they follow Frank Sinatra's song "I did it my way", the situation can soon change into AC/DC's "Highway to Hell".

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Liczymy na wsparcie organizacji samorządu gospodarczego i aktywne włączenie się w inicjatywy z zakresu dyplomacji ekonomicznej planowane na 2014 r. – powiedziała podsekretarz stanu Katarzyna Kacperczyk podczas spotkania podsumowującego działania w zakresie promocji gospodarczej i wsparcia przez MSZ polskich przedsiębiorstw za granica w 2013 r., moderowanego przez członka rady fundacji CSM - Pawła Rabieja.

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We are counting on the support of local government organizations and an active involvement in economic diplomacy initiatives planned for 2014 - Katarzyna Kacperczyk, Undersecretary of State said during the meeting summarizing the activities of economic promotion and support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Polish companies abroad in 2013, which was moderated by Paweł Rabiej, board member at CIR.

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2014 r. będzie kluczowy z punktu widzenia wzrostu potencjału polskiego eksportu i inwestycji polskich firm na rynkach zagranicznych. Trwają konsultacje dotyczące nowego, szczegółowego programu wspierania eksportu polskich firm. Zostanie on opracowany wspólnie przez Ministerstwo Gospodarki i Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych – zapowiedzieli Katarzyna Kacperczyk, podsekretarz stanu w Ministerstwie Spraw Zagranicznych i Dariusz Bogdan, podsekretarz stanu w Ministerstwie Gospodarki na konferencji „Ekspansja zagraniczna polskich firm w 2014” zorganizowanej 5 grudnia br. przez ośrodek THINKTANK, Centrum Stosunków Międzynarodowych i Ministerstwo Gospodarki i Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu.

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2013 was exceptional for the Polish economy in terms of export. In the first nine months of this year, export increased by 6.3% compared to the previous year and net export was the main growth factor of the Polish GDP. This year was also significant in the process of economization of the Polish foreign policy and the number of official visits of both the Prime Minister and the President of Poland.

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